Sunday, 20 June 2010

Five A Day

Do you get your five-a-day?

Yesterday I had seven, but the day before I laid in 'til midday and only managed three. Some days I don't have any at all. If you're clever about it you can take advantage of a three-for-two and two-for-one together and get five-for-three, see?

Grandmother swore by having nine but would have none until a quarter to midnight and then stuff them all in one go. Uncle Teddy has his whilst hiding in the bushes and spying through his neighbour's bedroom window. The dirty bugger. Mother said you get used to not having any when you live on a submarine, but when you reach dry land you can't get enough.

According to my doctor you should always wash them first but I once had a girlfriend who prefered them caked in mud. She had an amazing appetite; one day we managed 23 between us. It was fun at first, but I just couldn't keep up with her and we split up. I should have eaten more fruit and veg I guess.

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